We're your team of focused, passionate and caring eCommerce marketing specialists with a mission to change and impact lives through great marketing.

We grow Shopify brands

Fueled by a passion for growing Shopify brands, crafting engaging marketing experiences, and solving intricate business problems, we go beyond the surface. Delving into your business intricacies, we strategically focus on all vital aspects to ensure the profitable growth of your business.

We build awesome websites

We've been dedicated to growing Shopify brands since inception. Building and refining our systems and processes to deliver the best Shopify stores, at record speeds and unbeatable prices.

We solve ecommerce problems

We get it, building and growing a Shopify brand is no easy feat. From deciphering the mixed messages from guru's and influencers, to understanding platforms and apps. The list is endless and that's where we come in, helping brands stand out, and not get caught out.

We believe great marketing changes lives.

From our founder

"The bringing together of creative, passionate, and good people who are fulfilled by the work we do."

Cliqued Digital was born from my love of marketing and desire to be surrounded by a group of awesome people who feel the same way. Our mission is simple: bring together the most creative, passionate, and awesome individuals who love what they do and are dedicated to helping others succeed.

Let's be real, marketing has a huge impact on our lives! From the clothes we wear to the places we live, marketing plays a big role in shaping our world. But we don't just do marketing for the heck of it! We believe that great marketing can change lives, and that marketing for good is more important now than ever before. That's why we've teamed up with the best platforms and service providers in the biz to give our customers the best opportunity to scale their e-commerce business!

- Chris Baradel

Our team



HOLLY ATCHISON | Ecommerce Specialist

ISABELLA SERRANO | Email Marketing & Ecommerce Specialist

TOM CAFFREY | SEO & Web Specialist

AINSLIE ABERLE | Web Design & Ecommerce Specialist

GEORGE DE BHAL | Ecommerce Specialist

Services to help you scale.

We're all about mastering a few key pillars that have proven time and time again to be the secret sauce for scaling Shopify brands like nobody's business!

So what do we do best? We specialize in the stuff that really matters - the things that make a difference in scaling your brand effectively and sustainably. And boy, have we seen some crazy successes with these pillars!

Ready to grow?

Book a strategy session with Chris and Lani today and discover ways to unlock your brands potential.